Torres Del Paine, Patagonia, Trip Details

10-Day Photographic Adventure

Torres del Paine is perhaps my favourite national park in the world. I've been coming here for many years now (since 2003) and it's just amazingly beautiful. With turquoise glacial lakes, granite spires and the most distinctive mountain range - the Cuernos (Horns) of Paine and of course the three towers themselves, fail to impress.

Getting There

There are regular flights to Punta Arenas from Santiago (Chile).

Upon booking the trip, you will be forwarded onto Andean Trails (a South American travel specialist who can arrange flights and excursions for you).


We will meet in the small Chilean town of Punta Arenas, on the edge of the Magellan straight (direct connection from Santiago).

7:00 - 9:00pm
Dinner with the group, hosted by Bruce 

10-day Itinerary

In this section I'll give you a break down of what we're doing each day, in terms of location. There's a further section down the page which deals with what to expect as a daily schedule.

Day 1:

Arrive in Punta Arenas, Rey Don Philipe. Marita restaurant evening meal.

Day 2:

Today we transfer to Torres del Paine National Park in Chile. Night at Estancia Cerro Guido. Breakfast lunch and Dinner.

Day 3:

Morning shoot at Laguna Armaga with commanding views out towards the Torres. Afternoon La Cumbre/Baguales. Night at Estancia Cerro Guido. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

Day 4:

Morning shoot around Laguna Sarmiento. Afternoon Laguna Azul or second chance to visit La Cumbre/Baguales. Night at Estancia Cerro Guido. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

Day 5:

In the morning we will have a second chance to shoot Laguna Armaga, before spending the rest of the day transferring through the park to our next lodgings. On our journey we will have the opportunity to photograph Guanaco which are often sighted on the east side of the park, as well as make a visit to Laguna Azul and Cascada Paine. Night at KAU Rio Serrano Lodge. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

Day 6:

We will shoot in and around Lago Pehoe in the morning as there are stunning views of the Paine Massif from the edge of the lake. In the afternoon we will head up to Lago Grey to shoot at the edge of the lake towards Glacier Grey and commanding views of Paine Grande. Night at KAU Rio Serrano Lodge. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

Day 7:

Sunrise shoot on the Cuernos from Lago Nordenskjold. KAU Rio Serrano Lodge. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

Day 8:

Morning shoot at Salto Grande waterfall. In the afternoon we spend time in and around Lago Nordenskjold, making more concentrated images of the central area of the park. KAU Rio Serrano Lodge. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

Day 9:

Morning shoot at Rio Serrano Pass (viewpoint up high). Transfer to Punta Arenas. Night at Hotel Don Rey Philipe. Breakfast and Dinner only.

Day 10:

Breakfast only. Trip ends after Breakfast.

Daily Schedule Outline

8:30 - 9:30am
On location for sunrise.

10:00 - 11:00am Breakfast.
11:00am - 2:00pm Mid morning shooting

2:00pm - 3:00pm
Lunch on location.

3:00 - 7:15pm
Late afternoon shooting where we will stay out until after sunset and twilight has finished.

8:30 - 9:30pm

9:30 - onwards
Free time

Season, Weather & Light

We are coming in April to experience the end of Autumn and the start of winter. There is much beauty here for the photographer during this time. With extreme weather conditions, a low sun for the duration of the day, and the peaks of the area covered in snow - means we will have some special opportunities to photograph and experience the park whilst practically no one else is there.


• Estancia Cerro Guido
• Hotel Rey don Felipe
• Hosteria Tercera
• Pampa Lodge
• Google Map Torres del Paine

Travel Insurance

It is a condition of booking any of our workshops/tours that you have comprehensive travel insurance to cover you for trip cancellation (by you), activities involved and destination. This cover should include repatriation costs and medical costs.

You must provide us with details of your alternative insurance with or before your final payment.

Terms & Conditions

Please feel free to read our terms & conditions.

Contact Details

Bruce Percy Photography Limited
P.O Box 24113, 
Edinburgh, EH7 9EY

Tel: +44 (0) 787 621 0051